Retaining Neurodiverse Staff

Neurodiverse staff members can provide your company with many positive outcomes. In order to set you and your staff member up for success, you need to be intentional about tools and resources.

One of the biggest challenges for any neurodiverse staff member is a constantly changing environment. It is important to create consistency.

  • Consider roles conducive with consistency

  • Provide a consistent day-to-day schedule

  • Set VERY CLEAR expectations

  • If you have to change something, explain why

Another area that is beneficial to retaining neurodiverse staff is advocacy. By setting your staff members up with a way to advocate for themselves or have the support to advocate for them, you’re providing benefits that ultimately create loyal employees.

  • Provide an onboarding mentor

  • Provide access to a job coach outside of your organization

  • Allow your staff member to be an advocate for him/herself - respond with respect and understanding

  • ASK your staff member what you can do to help set him/her up for success

Some other tools and resources that are easy to implement and make way for a positive company culture include the following:

  • Provide (or allow) over-the-ear noise cancelling headphones

  • Provide a quiet break space

  • Allow frequent breaks

  • Provide checklists for daily tasks

  • Review task apps that are simple to use and could benefit all staff (Todoist is my favorite)

Ultimately, if you want to create a great company culture, then you need to put things in place to create a safe and compassionate environment for all staff members. Intentionally implementing tools and resources for your neurodiverse staff shows all of your employees that you care. A caring organization tends to keep its employees, neurodiverse or otherwise.


Arriving Isn’t a Thing


Internships: a great way to start adding neurodiversity